Programming Voice Board Messages
P176E 1E
Keypad or Radio “Panic” Alarm Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 2E
“Fire” Alarm Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 3E
“Medical” Alarm Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 4E
“Mains Failure” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 5E
“Mains Restore” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 6E
“Battery Low” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 7E
“Battery Restored” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 8E
“Tamper” (Zone/Radio/System) Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 9E
“Duress Alarm” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 10E
“Latchkey Disarm” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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P176E 11E
“Manual Test Initiated” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
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Programming Telephone Numbers
P181E 1-8E
Programming Telephone Numbers -
Value 1-16 Digits (Default = 0)
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Telephone Number Reporting Formats
P182E 1-8E
Telephone Number Reporting Formats
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(Default = 1)
1 = Contact ID
2 = Domestic Dial
3 = Pager
4 = Speech Dialler
5 = 4+2 10pps (Handshake 1400/ Tone 1900)
6 = 4+2 10pps (Handshake 2300/ Tone 1800)
7 = 4+2 20pps (Handshake 1400/ Tone 1900)
8 = 4+2 20pps (Handshake 2300/ Tone 1800)
9 = 4+2 DTMF (with Checksum)
10 = SIA Format
11 = SIA SlowFormat
Telephone Number Reporting Options
P183E 1-8E
Telephone Number Reporting Options
Page 83
(Default = 1,2)
1 = Stop Dialling if Kissed off
2 = Monitor Call Progress
3 = Blind Dial
4 = Use Group Numbers for Contact ID Reporting
5 = Stay On-line after Alarm report for two way voice
6 = Auto Kiss-off for Voice/Domestic Reporting
7 = Use the Dialling Pre-fix
8 = Is to be used as the “Call-back” Number
Maximum Dial Attempts per Telephone Number
P184E 1-8E
Maximum Dial Attempts per Telephone Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 8)
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Dialler Reporting Options A
P186E 1-8E
Dialler Options A
1 = Report Mains Failure
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(Default = All On)
2 = Report Battery low
3 = Report Radio Battery Low
4 = Report Line Fail
5 = Report System Tamper
6 = Report Keypad Tamper
7 = Report Zone Tamper
8 = Report Radio Zone Tamper
Dialler Reporting Options B
P187E 1-8E
Dialler Options B
1 = Report Duress Alarm
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(Default = All On)
2 = Report Supervised Radio Alarm
3 = Report Zone Sensor-watch Alarm
4 = Report Manual Panic Alarm
5 = Report Manual Fire Alarm
6 = Report Manual Medical Alarm
7 = Report Radio Pendant Panic Alarm
8 = Report Zone Bypasses
Dialler Reporting Options C
P188E 1-8E
Dialler Options C
1 = Report Arm/Disarm
Page 86
(Default = 1,8)
2 = Report Stay Mode Arm/Disarm
3 = Report Disarm only after an Activation
4 = Report Stay Mode Disarm only after an Activation
5 = Report Stay Mode Zone Alarms
6 = Report Access to Program Mode
7 = Report 24 Hour Alarms when set to Domestic/Voice mode
8 = Report Zone Restores