The LCD Keypad has similar operational functions to the LED keypad with one notable exception, when displaying
Memory Events in “Memory Mode” it will display the events using plain text messages with the Time & date that the
event occurred.
This makes the fault diagnosis much easier. On an LED keypad only the ARM indications are displayed (the disarm is
removed from the display) but with the LCD keypad all events can be displayed (including when the system was
disarmed and by who).
To access “Memory Mode” using the LCD keypad, press the “MEMORY
” button.
There are two parts to the Memory Display Mode. They are;
If there are any current “SYSTEM” alarms, they will be displayed first under the heading of “CURRENT ALARMS”.
There are up to 8 “system alarms” that can be displayed at this point. They are listed in the “Current System Alarms” table
on page 15. The current system alarms will be displayed in plain text to describe the actual problem. If there is more than
one current problem the keypad will display event alarm sequentially with the heading of “CURRENT ALARMS” on the top
line and the alarm on the bottom line.
Each time the “MEMORY
” button is pressed, the next alarm will be displayed. If there are no system problems with the
panel the display will show “NO FAULTS”. When all current system alarms have been displayed the keypad will then start
to show the historical memory events.
Following the “Current System Alarms” the panel will display the historical memory events. The panel stores the most
recent events, (up to 255), including all alarm events, all system events such as mains failure etc as well as arm/disarm by
User & Area. The memory events are displayed via the LCD keypad with the most recent event shown first and subse-
quent events following in descending order from newest to oldest.
During the “Historical Memory Event” display mode the LCD display will show the type of event on the top line eg “Area A
armed by User 1” and the actual time and date that the event occurred on the bottom line.
To view events simply press the “MEMORY
” button. The keypad will beep and the display is advanced to the next event
every time the “MEMORY
” button is pressed.
If you wish to go back and look at an earlier event you can use the “
” or “STAY
” buttons to go back to an earlier event.
Each time the Down arrow is pressed the memory will go back one event. When all events in memory have been dis-
played the keypad will exit memory mode and return to the normal idle state. To cancel the memory display just press
If the “ENTER” button is not pressed and the display mode is not advanced to the last memory event, the keypad will
automatically exit memory display mode after approximately 20 seconds.
When there is a new event in memory the words “ NEW MEM EVENT” will be shown on the LCD display.
The “ NEW MEM EVENT” display will be reset once the event has been viewed or the panel is armed.