Mass Spectrometer Maintenance
4. Using a pair of circlip pliers, remove the circlip that holds the exhaust baffle in the
exhaust port. Place the circlip on the towels.
Be careful not to scratch or damage sealing surfaces.
5. Withdraw the baffle and place it on the towels.
6. Using a pair of pliers, remove the circlip that holds the inlet baffle in place. Place
the circlip on the towels.
Be careful not to scratch or damage sealing surfaces.
7. Withdraw the baffle, centering plate, and spring. Place these items on the
8. Use a towel to wipe excess fluid from the circlip, baffle, centering ring, and
spring. Place these items into the container of acetone.
9. Withdraw the jet assembly and place it vertically on the towels.
10. After allowing the excess fluid to drain, wipe down jet assembly and lay it down in
the container of acetone.
11. Drain the diffusion pump fluid into a suitable container.
12. Clean the interior of the pump body with acetone and rinse with isopropyl alcohol.
Allow to air dry.
Do not submerge the pump body as the solvents will be absorbed into the
diffusion pump’s insulation, creating a fire risk.
13. Rinse all the other parts washed in acetone with isopropyl alcohol, and air dry.
14. Drop the exhaust baffle into the exhaust port, ensuring the shortest end of the
central post is uppermost.
15. Using a pair of circlip pliers, refit the circlip that holds the exhaust baffle in place.
Orient the circlip to provide the maximum opening between the baffle and
exhaust port wall.
Be careful not to scratch or damage sealing surfaces.
16. Place the jet assembly inside the pump body, ensuring the ejector stage lines up
with the exhaust port. When correctly positioned, the jet assembly will locate on
a pin in the base of the body.
17. Insert the spring into the counterbore of the jet cap.
18. Place the centering plate on the spring.
19. Lower the baffle onto the centering ring.
20. Using a pair of pliers, refit the circlip that holds the inlet baffle in place.