In all turning cycles apart from contour turning (CYCLE95), it is possible to reduce the feedrate
as a percentage when finishing in the combined roughing and finishing mode.
Machine manufacturer
Please observe the information provided by the machine manufacturer.
Stock removal (CYCLE951)
You can use the "Stock removal" cycle for longitudinal or transverse stock removal of corners
at outer or inner contours.
Removing stock from corners
For this cycle, the safety clearance is additionally limited using setting data. The lower value is
taken for machining.
Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.
Machining type
● Roughing
For roughing applications, paraxial cuts are machined to the finishing allowance that has
been programmed. If no finishing allowance has been programmed, the workpiece is
roughed down to the final contour.
During roughing, the cycle reduces the programmed infeed depth D if necessary so that it
is possible for cuts of an equal size to be made. For example, if the overall infeed depth is
10 and you have specified an infeed depth of 3, this would result in cuts of 3, 3, 3 and 1. The
cycle now reduces the infeed depth to 2.5 so that four cuts of equal size are created.
The angle between the contour and the tool cutting edge determines whether the tool
rounds the contour at the end of each cut by the infeed depth D in order to remove residual
corners, or whether it is raised immediately. The angle beyond which rounding is performed
is stored in a machine data element.
Machine manufacturer
Please observe the information provided by the machine manufacturer.
Programming technology functions (cycles)
10.2 Rotate
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB