Target group
This documentation is intended for users of turning machines running the SINUMERIK Operate
The operating manual helps users familiarize themselves with the control elements and
commands. Guided by the manual, users are capable of responding to problems and taking
corrective action.
Standard scope
This documentation describes the functionality of the standard scope. Extensions or changes
made by the machine manufacturer are documented by the machine manufacturer.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control.
However, no claim can be made regarding the availability of these functions when the
equipment is first supplied or in the event of servicing.
Furthermore, for the sake of clarity, this documentation does not contain all detailed information
about all types of the product and cannot cover every conceivable case of installation, operation
or maintenance.
The meanings of some basic terms used in this documentation are given below.
A program is a sequence of instructions to the CNC which combine to produce a specific
workpiece on the machine.
The term contour refers generally to the outline of a workpiece. More specifically, it refers to the
section of the program that defines the outline of a workpiece comprising individual elements.
A cycle, such as the tapping cycle, is a subprogram defined in SINUMERIK Operate for
executing a frequently repeated machining operation.
Note regarding the General Data Protection Regulation
Siemens observes standard data protection principles, in particular the principle of privacy by
design. That means that
this product does not process / store any personal data, only technical functional data (e.g. time
stamps). If a user links this data with other data (e.g. a shift schedule) or stores personal data
on the same storage medium (e.g. hard drive) and thus establishes a link to a person or
persons, then the user is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant data protection
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB