Program structure
A machining step program is divided into three sub-areas:
● Program header
● Program blocks
● End of program
These sub-areas form a process plan.
Program header
The program header contains parameters that affect the entire program, such as blank
dimensions or retraction planes.
Program blocks
You determine the individual machining steps in the program blocks. In doing this, you specify
the technology data and positions, among other things.
Linked blocks
For the "Contour turning", "Contour milling", "Milling", and "Drilling" functions, program the
technology blocks and contours or positioning blocks separately. These program blocks are
automatically linked by the control and connected by brackets in the process plan.
In the technology blocks, specify how and in what form the machining should take place, e.g.
centering first, and then drilling. In the positioning blocks, determine the positions for the drilling
or milling machining, e.g. position the drill-holes in a full circle on the face surface.
End of program
End of program signals to the machine that the machining of the workpiece has ended. Further,
here you set whether program execute should be repeated.
Number of workpieces
You can enter the number of required workpieces using the "Times, counters" window.
See also
Entering the number of workpieces (Page 310)
Creating a ShopTurn program
9.3 Program structure
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB