When machining some cycles, you can choose between roughing, finishing, or complete
machining. For certain milling cycles, finishing edge or finishing base are possible.
● Roughing
One or more machining operations with depth infeed
● Finishing
Single machining operation
● Edge finishing
Only the edge of the object is finished
● Base finishing
Only the base of the object is finished
● Complete machining
Roughing and finishing with one tool in a
● machining step
If you want to rough and finish using two different tools, you must call the machining cycle
twice (1st block = roughing; 2nd block = finishing). The programmed parameters are
retained when the cycle is called for the second time.
Creating a ShopTurn program
9.8 Tool, offset value, feedrate and spindle speed (T, D, F, S, V)
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB