The skip blocks are identified by placing a "/" (forward slash) or "/x (x = number of skip level)
character in front of the block number. You have the option of hiding several block sequences.
The statements in the skipped blocks are not executed. The program continues with the next
block, which is not skipped.
The number of skip levels that can be used depends on a machine datum.
Machine manufacturer
Please observe the information provided by the machine manufacturer.
Software option
In order to have more than two skip levels, for 828D you require the "Extended
operator functions" option.
Skip levels, activate
Select the corresponding checkbox to activate the desired skip level.
The "Program Control - Skip Blocks" window is only available when more than one skip level
is set up.
Machining the workpiece
6.8 Controlling the program run
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB