9. Removing residual stock spigot 1
10.Contour blank 2
11.Contour spigot 2
12.Removing residual stock spigot 2
Software option
For removing residual stock, you require the option "residual stock detection
and machining".
Clamping the spindle
For ShopTurn, the "Clamp spindle" function can be set up by the machine manufacturer.
Machine manufacturer
Please observe the information provided by the machine manufacturer.
See also
Clamping the spindle (Page 296)
The part program or ShopTurn program to be processed has been cre‐
ated and you are in the editor.
Press the "Milling", "Contour milling" and "Spigot resid. mat." softkeys.
The "Spigot Res. Mat." input window opens.
For the ShopTurn program, press the "All parameters" softkey if you want
to enter additional parameters.
Programming technology functions (cycles)
10.5 Contour milling
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB