P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.13 Block descriptions
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Brief description of a few important functions
Active/passive operating mode:
An online HMI can operate in two different modes:
After switchover to an NCU, this initially requests active operating mode in the PLC of the online NCU. If two
control units are linked online simultaneously to an NCU, one of the two is always in active mode and the other in
passive mode. The operator can request active mode on the passive HMI at the press of a button.
MCP switchover
As an option, an MCP assigned to the HMI can be switched over at the same time. To achieve this, the MCP
address must be entered in the "mstt_adress" parameter of the NETNAMES.INI configuration file on the HMI and
"MCPEnable" must be set to TRUE. The MCP of the passive HMI is deactivated so that there is only ever one
active MCP on an NCU at one time.
Boot condition
To prevent the previously selected MCP being reactivated when the NCU is restarted, input parameters
MCP1BusAdr = 255 (address of 1st MCP) and "MCP1STOP" =TRUE (deactivate 1st MCP) must be set when
FB1 is called in OB100.
When one MCP is switched over to another, any active feed or axis enables will be retained.
Declaration of the function
Active mode:
Operator can control and monitor
Passive mode:
Operator can monitor (HMI header only)
Keys actuated at the moment of switchover remain operative until the new MCP is activated
(by the HMI, which is subsequently activated). The override settings for feedrate and spindle
also remain valid. To deactivate actuated keys, the input image of the machine control
signals must be switched to nonactuated signal level on a falling edge of DB10.DBX104.0.
The override settings should remain unchanged. Measures for deactivating keys must be
implemented in the PLC user program (see example "Override Changeover").
The call is permitted only in cyclic program OB1.
Ack :
//Acknowledge interrupts
//Mixed operation with non-M-to-N-enabled OP
// Not supported
MCPEnable :
// Activate MCP switchover