Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
The programmer uses axis names of the basic coordinate system in the → part program. The basic coordinate
system exists parallel to the → machine coordinate system if no → transformation is active. The difference
between the two coordinate systems lies in the → axis identifiers.
Baud rate
Rate of data transfer (Bit/s).
Workpiece as it is before it is machined.
"Block" is the term given to any files required for creating and processing programs.
Block search
For debugging purposes or following a program abort, the "Block search" function can be used to select any
location in the part program at which the program is to be started or resumed.
Loading the system program after power ON.
C axis
Axis around which the tool spindle describes a controlled rotational and positioning movement.
A channel is characterized by the fact that it can process a → part program independently of other channels. A
channel exclusively controls the axes and spindles assigned to it. Part program runs of different channels can be
coordinated through → synchronization.
Circular interpolation
The → tool moves on a circle between specified points on the contour at a given feed rate, and the workpiece is
thereby machined.
See → NC
Component of the NC for the implementation and coordination of communication.