14.6 Function interface
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
PI index
DB1200.DBB4001 specifies the specific PI service.
PI parameter n
From DB1200.DBW4004, PI parameter n must be specified for the specific service.
DB1200.DBX4000.1 = 1: Job is started for the specified number of variables.
Job feedback
The PLC firmware provides feedback as to whether the started PI service was successful or not successful in the
result interface (DB1200 from offset 5000).
The job end is signaled using one of two signals:
DB1200.DBX5000.0 == 1 or DB1200.DBX5000.1 == 1
The signals are written by the PLC operating system; therefore, they can only be read by the user. A job has
been completed if both acknowledgement signals are zero. They become zero if the user resets the signal "Start"
(DB1200.DBX4000.1) after the job end.
Job completed
DB1200.DBX5000.0 = 1 job processing completed without error.
DB1200.DBX5000.0 = 0 otherwise is zero, if the user resets "Start".
DBW 4012
PI parameter 5
DBW 4014
PI parameter 6
DBW 4016
PI parameter 7
DBW 4018
PI parameter 8
DBW 4020
PI parameter 9
DBW 4022
PI parameter 10
DB1200 FB2/3
PI service [r]
NCK -> PLC interface
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
DBB 5000
Error in job
DBB 5001
DBB 5002
DB1200 FB2/3
PI service [r/w]