S1: Spindles
16.2 Operating modes
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
• Spindle-specific and cross-channel activation via the machine data:
MD35035 $MA_SPIND_FUNCTION_MASK (spindle functions)
The auxiliary function M19 is implicitly generated if either of the MD configurations = 1.
After activation, the minimum duration of an SPOS/SPOSA block is increased to the time for output and
acknowledgment of the auxiliary functions by the PLC.
The properties of the implicitly generated auxiliary function output M19 are "Quick" and "Output during motion".
These properties are fixed settings and are independent of the M19 configuration in the auxiliary function-specific
machine data (MD..._$M..._AUXFU_...).
There is no auxiliary function M19 implicitly generated in the case of spindle positioning instructions via FC 18.
End of positioning
The positioning can be programmed with:
In addition, an endofmotion criterion for block changes can be set in the braking ramp (100-0%) with IPOBRKA
for singleaxis interpolation.
Function Manual, Extension Functions; Positioning Axes (P2)
Block change
The program advances to the next block if the end-of-motion criteria for all spindles or axes programmed in the
current block, plus the block change criterion for path interpolation, are fulfilled. This applies to both part-program
and technology-cycle blocks.
SPOS, M19 and SPOSA have the same functionality but differ in their block change behavior:
Value Meaning
If bit 0 is also set to "0" in the MD20850 $MC_SPOS_TO_VDI, no
auxiliary function M19 is generated in SPOS and SPOSA. This
therefore eliminates the acknowledgement time for the auxiliary
The implicit auxiliary function M19 is generated and output to the
PLC during the programming of SPOS and SPOSA. The address
extension corresponds to the spindle number.
Activation via MD35035 should be preferred when using a spindle in multiple channels (axis/
spindle exchange).
End of motion on reaching "Exact stop fine" (DB31, ...
End of motion on reaching "Exact stop coarse" (DB31, ...
End of motion on reaching "IPO stop"