W1: Tool offset
18.12 Working with tool environments
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Function OK
No memory reserved for tool environments:
MD18116 $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_ENV = 0 (number of tool environments in TO
i.e. the "tool environments" functionality is not available.
A tool environment with the name specified in _STAT does not exist.
Invalid string in parameter _COMP.
Causes of this error can be invalid characters or characters programmed twice.
Invalid T number
Invalid D number
Invalid DL number
Attempt to access non-existent memory module
Attempt to access a non-existent option (programmable tool orientation, tool
The _COMP string contains a colon (identifier for the specification of a coordinate
system), but it is not followed by a valid character denoting the coordinate system.
Result vector
The vector components are arranged in the following order:
Tool type
Length of cutting
Tool radius
The coordinate system defined in _COMP and _STAT is used as the reference
coordinate system for the length components. If no coordinate system is defined in
_COMP, the tool lengths are represented in the machine coordinate system.
The assignment of the abscissa, ordinate and applicate to the geometry axes depends
on the active plane in the tool environment, i.e. with
, the abscissa is parallel to X,
it is parallel to Z, etc.
Components LEN[6] to LEN[10] contain the additional parameters, which can be used to
specify the geometry description of a tool (e.g. $TC_DP7 to $TC_DP11 for the geometry
and the corresponding components for wear or sum and setup offsets).
These 5 additional elements and the tool radius are only defined for components E, G,
S, and W. Their evaluation does not depend on _STAT. The corresponding values in
LEN[5] to LEN[10] can thus only be not equal to zero if at least one of the four specified
components is involved in the tool length calculation. The remaining components do not
influence the result. The dimensions refer to the control's basic system (inch or metric).