B1: Continuouspath Mode, Exact Stop, LookAhead
3.6 Contour/Orientation tolerance
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
• Without preprocessing stop in the parts program via system variables:
Contour tolerance effective when the current main
run record was preprocessed.
If no contour tolerance is effective, $AC_CTOL will
return the root from the sum of the squares of the
tolerances of the geometry axes.
Orientation tolerance effective when the current main
run record was preprocessed.
If no orientation tolerance is effective, $AC_OTOL will
return the root from the sum of the squares of the
tolerances of the orientation axes during active
orientation transformation. Otherwise, it will return the
value "-1".
Axis tolerance effective when the current main run
record was preprocessed.
If no contour tolerance is active,
$AA_ATOL[<geometry axis>] returns the contour
tolerance divided by the root of the number of
geometry axes.
If an orientation tolerance and an orientation
transformation are active $AA_ATOL[<orientation
axis>] will return the orientation tolerance divided by
the root of the number of orientation axes.
If no tolerance values have been programmed, the $A variables will not be differentiated
sufficiently to distinguish potential differences in the tolerances of the individual functions,
since they can only declare one value.
Circumstances like this can occur if the machine data and the setting data set different
tolerances for compressor functions, smoothing and orientation smoothing. The variables
then return the greatest value prevailing with regard to the currently active functions.
if, for example, a compressor function is active with an orientation tolerance of 0.1° and
ORISON orientation smoothing with 1°, the $AC_OTOL variable will return the value "1". If
orientation smoothing is deactivated, only the value "0.1" will remain to be read.
Programmed contour tolerance
Programmed orientation tolerance
Programmed axis tolerance
If no tolerance values have been programmed, the $P variables return the value "-1".