P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.13 Block descriptions
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Status definition
A general rule for the acknowledgment status is that the state information 1 to 7 leads to the termination of the
command. If FC 8 receives one of the statuses, the "Interface active bit" of the interface specified in FC 8 is reset
to "0" (see also interface lists DB 71 to DB 73), thus completing the operation. The response if different in the
case of status information 103 to 105. When the FC 8 receives one of these items of status information, the
“Interface active bit” of this interface remains at “1”. Further processing is required by the user program in the
PLC (e.g. continuation of magazine positioning). This item of status information is generally used to transfer
changes in position of one or both tools while the operation is still in progress.
Call example
//Tool-management transfer block
Start :=
m 20.5,
//Start := "1 " => transfer trigger
TaskIdent :=
DB61.DBB 0,
TaskIdentNo :=
DB61.DBB 1,
NewToolMag :=
DB61.DBW 2,
//Current position of new tool
NewToolLoc :=
DB61.DBW 4,
OldToolMag :=
DB61.DBW 6,
//Current position of old tool
OldToolLoc :=
DB61.DBW 8,
Status :=
DB61.DBW 10,
Ready :=
m 20.6,
Error :=
DB61.DBW 12);
u m 20.6;
//Poll ready
r m 20.5;
//Reset start
spb m001;
//Jumps, if everything OK
l DB61.dbw 12;
//Error information
ow w#16#0;
//Evaluate error
JC error;
//Jumps to troubleshooting
//Normal branch
r m 20.5:
//Reset start