S1: Spindles
16.2 Operating modes
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
The properties of the implicitly generated auxiliary function output M70 are "Quick" and "Output during motion".
These properties are fixed settings and are independent of the M70 configuration in the auxiliary-function-specific
machine data (MD..._$M..._AUXFU_...).
M70 is only generated once during transition to axis mode. No further M70 auxiliary functions are generated and
output in adjacent blocks in which the spindle is operated as an axis. M70 is not implicitly generated and output
again until axis mode is exited via, for example, SPOS, M3, M4, M5, SPCOF, etc. and following a renewed
transition to axis mode.
Synchronized actions
When the spindle is programmed as an axis in synchronized actions, it is essential to continue making provisions
in the application to ensure there are criteria for the transition to axis mode.
If the spindle is in speed control mode, the instruction
must be programmed prior to programming
as an axis. Otherwise alarm signals occur during axis programming.
FC 18
As with synchronized actions, transition to axis mode must also be undertaken on the application side in FC 18,
e.g. through preparatory positioning instructions. Otherwise, the FC 18 call is acknowledged with an error bit in
the FC 18 status word.
No auxiliary function M70 is implicitly generated in the event of transition to axis mode through programming via
FC 18.
Example 1:
Part program: Transition from rotating spindle to axis mode
Configuration: MD35035 $MA_SPIND_FUNCTION_MASK, bit 20 = 1
Example 2:
Part program: Transition from positioning mode to axis mode
Configuration: MD35035 $MA_SPIND_FUNCTION_MASK, bit 20 = 1
Program code
N05 M3 S1000
N10 ...
N15 POS[C]=77
; Before loading N15, an M70 intermediate block is generated
in which the spindle is stopped, and M70 is output to the
Program code
N05 SPOS=0
N10 ...