A3: Axis Monitoring, Protection Zones
2.3 Protection zones
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
• Tool-related protection zones
Coordinates for toolrelated protection zones must be given as absolute values referred to the tool carrier
reference point F.
• Workpiece-related protection zones
Coordinates for workpiecerelated protection zones must be given as absolute values referred to the zero
point of the basic coordinate system.
The orientation of the protection zones is determined by the plane definition (abscissa/ordinate), in which the
contour is described, and the axis perpendicular to the contour (vertical axis).
The orientation of the protection zones must be the same for the tool and workpiecerelated protection zones.
Types of protection zone
Machine-defined and channel-defined protection zones
• Machine-defined protection zone
Data for machine-related protection zones are defined once in the control. These protection zones can be
activated by all channels.
• Channel-defined protection zones
Data for channel-related protection zones are defined in a channel. These protection zones can be activated
only by this channel.
Example: Doubleslide turning machine
• The toolrelated protection zones are assigned to channel 1 or 2.
• The workpiecerelated protection zones are assigned to the machine.
• The coordinate system must be identical for both channels.
If no toolrelated protection zone is active, the tool path is checked against the workpiece-
related protection zones.
If no workpiece-oriented protection zone is active, protection-zone monitoring does not
take place.