14.3 Programming
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
• Manufacturer:
- POUs (MAIN, all subprograms and the interrupt program INT0);
- The data blocks: internal structure (type information) plus initial values;
- The data blocks: Actual values, if assigned by the user;
• Individual:
- the interrupt programs INT100 and INT101
- The data blocks: Actual values, if assigned by the user;
• User:
- The data blocks: Actual values, if assigned by the user;
All of the existing data classes are always automatically selected in the dialog box for loading. This means that all
of the data and blocks belonging to the project are always loaded, if they have not been deselected by the user.
With a standard (series) machine, where the machinery OEM also commissioned the PLC user program, a PLC
input (IO module) fails. The input is rewired to a free input. The INT100 interrupt program can be used so that the
service/erection technician doesn't have to change the PLC user program of the machine manufacturer due to
the rewiring, which is a complex and tedious task: This runs in front of the main program (MAIN) and writes the
rewired input to the original input in the image. INT100 is assigned to data class "Individual" and is loaded into the
CPU with this data class.
The project block of the machinery construction OEM has the data class "Manufacturer" and is loaded into the
CPU with this data class.
If the machine manufacturer updates his PLC user program, the correction program is not influenced. The
corrections remain independent of this and are still effective.
Assigning a block to a data class
A data block is assigned to a data class in its property dialog box.
The interrupt program INT100 can
be independently loaded in its data
class and the correction function
described above executed.