P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.4 Startup hardware configuration of the PLC-CPUs
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Figure 13-2
DP slave properties
In the Properties dialog box for the integrated SINAMICS drive, object codes 1 to 6 are used to identify axes 1 to
6. The axes are set for the largest possible message frame type 106 and Safety Motion Monitoring as standard.
This is the default setting. Telegram type 106 features the longest possible user data length of an NC axis. The
message frame type in the NC machine data may not tally at all with this setting. In the context of an NC axis,
message frame type 106 means: 2 en DSC
Object 8 contains the ALM via which, for example, enables have to be activated by the PLC user program. Object
7 contains the CU (device 0). The manual for the NCU7x0 contains a further description of these objects.
Axis expansions with the NX10 and NX15 modules are possible for NCU710, NCU720 and NCU730. You will find
NX10 and NX15 in the PROFIBUS-DP\SINAMICS module catalog.
You will find the clock settings for the drives in the dialog box under the "Isochronous Operation" tab. In case the
transmission cycles of the drives have to be changed, a change must be made under this tab.