W1: Tool offset
18.6 Toolholder with orientation capability
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Procedure when using toolholders with orientation capability
Creating a toolholder
The number of available toolholder data sets in the NCK is defined with machine data:
MD18088 $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER (Maximum number of definable tool carriers)
1. The value is calculated as follows:
MD18088 = "Number of TO units" * "Number of tool holder data sets of a TO unit"
MD18088/"number of TO units" is permanently allocated to each TO unit.
2. Zero setting of toolholder data:
You can use the command$TC_CARR1[0] = 0 to zero all values of all data sets.
Individual toolholder data sets can be deleted selectively with the NC command
or the PI service
3. Accessing the data of a toolholder:
- Part program
→ $TC_CARRn[m] = value
This describes the previous value of the system variables n for toolholder m with the new value "value".
→ value = $TC_CARRn[m]
With "def real value" - the parameters of a toolholder m can be read if they have already been defined (e.g.
set MD18088). Otherwise, an alarm is signaled.
- OPI interface
The parameters of a toolholder with orientation capability can be read and written with the NCKHMI (OPI)
variable services using system variable $P_TCANG[<n>].
4. Data backup:
The system variables specified above are saved as part of the general NCK data backup.
Selecting the toolholder
A tool holder with number m is selected with the
NC program command (
Tool Carrier).
deselects an active toolholder.
For further explanations on the definition and assignment of a TO unit by machine data:
MD28085 $MC_MM_LINK_TOA_UNIT (Assignment of a TO unit to a channel (SRAM))
/FB/ Function Manual for Extended Functions; Memory Configurations (S7)