P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.5 Starting up the PLC program
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
For Each
Block programmed above can be programmed in the Delphi programming language as
follows (the programming for C, C++ programming languages is similar):
Software upgrade
A general PLC reset should be performed to achieve a defined initial state before the PLC software is upgraded.
In this case, among other things, all user data (program and data blocks) will be deleted. The PLC general reset
is described in:
/IDsl/ Commissioning Manual "Commissioning CNC: NCK, PLC, drive", Chapter "General tips" > "PLC general
Generating a new SIMATIC S7 project
In normal cases, the new PLC basic program is to be linked-in for a new NCU software version. The basic
programs blocks must be loaded into the user project for this purpose. If the following program and data blocks
are already in the user project, then these should not be transferred with the blocks of the basic PLC program:
OB 1, OB 40, OB 82, OB 86, OB 100, FC 12 and DB 4. This may have been modified by the user and should not
be overwritten. The new basic program must be linked with the user program. The following procedure must be
taken into account:
1. Generate the text or source file of all user blocks before copying the basic PLC program.
2. Copy the new basic program blocks into the SIMATIC S7 project (for a description, see Chapter "Application
3. All user programs "*.awl" must be recompiled in the correct order! (see also: " Machine program [Page 853]"):
4. This newly compiled SIMATIC S7 project should then be downloaded with STEP 7 into the PLC.
Cont = Nothing
Error = S7Ext.MakeSerienIB("f:\dh\arc.dir\PLC.arc", 0, Cont)
' Now error analysis
EnumVar: IEnumVariant;
rgvar: OleVariant;
fetched: Cardinal;
//For Each Next
EnumVar := (S7Prog.Next._NewEnum) as IEnumVariant;
While (EnumVar.Next(1,rgvar,fetched) = S_OK) Do Begin
Cont := IS7Container(IDispatch(rgvar)); // block container
Check sources
If (Cont.ConcreteType = S7BlockContainer) Then Break;
Cont := NIL;