K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response
9.12 Single block
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Single block
Block-by-block processing
With the single-block function, the user can execute a part program block-by-block.
Single-block types
There are 3 types of setting for the single-block function:
• SBL1 := IPO single block
When the SLB1 function is active, machining stops or pauses after each machine action block (Ipo block).
• SBL2 := Decode single block
When the SLB2 function is active, machining always stops or pauses after each part program block. If a part
program block is processed in several IPO blocks, machining stops after every Ipo block. Thread cutting is an
• SBL3 := Decode single block
As for SLB2, but machining also stops in the part program blocks of the cycles.
1. Stopping after every block is undesirable in many situations and/or with certain blocks.
- 1. Example:
Change after jog operation, if reorganization and/or repositioning
is not possible, MD10702, bits 6 and 7.
If a stop occurs in a block at the end of block, which cannot be
reorganized and/or repositioned, in this situation
Jog mode cannot be selected.
- 2. Example:
Change after JOG operation to a STOPRE block,
MD10702, bits 6 and 7
If AUTO mode is changed to Jog mode while a
STOPRE block is active, in addition to system ASUB2, a continuation start will be followed by
one residual block and one or possibly (with
decoder single block) two more STOPRE blocks. A logic operation,
which always triggers a part program start in single block
and then always changes to Jog mode, remains
at the STOPRE block indefinitely.
- 3. Example:
DISPOF: Deactivate block display, MD10702, bits 6 and 7
If DISPOF is programmed in a subroutine, the block display
is suppressed. The operator must continuously
press Start blindly in the single block up to the end of the subroutine.
2. When single block is deactivated there is no stop at end of block.
3. When STOPRE blocks are displayed, the main run and preprocessing are synchronized in the decoding
single block.
The following sections describe how to control the behavior of single blocks and prevent stops in particular