P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.13 Block descriptions
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
The parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc", "OldToolMag", "OldToolLoc" of the FC 8 block are to be
parameterized to the actual positions of the tools involved. Except in the case of preparing change these are
normally the specified target position of the tools of the associated WZV interface, see also "Explanations of the
formal parameters".
1. In the case of loading/unloading/reloading, the tool has arrived at the required target address. If the bit in the
interface in DB 71.DBX (n+0).3 "position at loading point" is enabled, status 1 cannot be used for the function
termination. Status 5 must be used for correct termination.
2. In the case of "Prepare change", the new tool is now available. The tool may, for example, be positioned in a
buffer (gripper). In some cases, the target (magazine, location) of the old tool has been moved to the
toolchange position after placement of the new tool in a buffer. However, the old tool still remains in the
spindle. The preparations for a tool change are thus complete. After this acknowledgment, the "Change"
command can be received. The positions in parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc", "OldToolMag" and
"OldToolLoc" correspond to the current tool positions.
3. In the case of "Change" (spindle or revolver), the tools addressed in the interface have now reached the
required target addresses.
The tool-change operation is thus completed.
Status = 2: The "new" tool cannot be made available.
This status is only admissible in conjunction with the "Prepare Change" command. When this status is applied,
the PLC must be prevented from making a change with the proposed tool. The proposed (new) tool is disabled by
the tool management function in the NCK. A new command is then output by the tool management with a duplo
tool. The positions in parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc", "OldToolMag", and "OldToolLoc" correspond to
the original tool positions.
Status = 3: An error occurred.
The tool positions must not have been changed. Any changes to the magazine positions which have taken place
in the meantime must be notified beforehand, for example, with status = 105 via FC 8 transfer block Only then will
the tool positions be taken into account by the tool management function.
Status = 4: It would be better to position the "old" tool in the magazine position specified in parameters
"OldToolMag" and "OldToolLoc".
This status is permissible only in conjunction with preparation for tool change (change into spindle). After this
status has been transferred to the tool management in the NCK, the tool management tries to consider the
specified magazine position in the next command. But this is done only when this position is free. Parameters
"NewToolMag" and "NewToolLoc" are not taken into account.
Status = 5: The operation is complete.
The "new" tool is in the position specified in parameters "NewToolMag", "NewToolLoc". In this case, the specified
tool is not really in this position, but is still in the same magazine location. However, this magazine location has
been moved to the position set in the parameters (e.g. tool change position). This status may be used only for
revolvers, chain-type magazines and disk magazines. Status 5 enables the tool management function to adjust
the current position of a magazine and to improve the search strategy for subsequent commands. This status is
permissible only in conjunction with loading, unloading, and reloading operations and with preparations for a tool
The "OldToolMag" and "OldToolLoc" parameters must be parameterized with the data of a buffer.