B1: Continuouspath Mode, Exact Stop, LookAhead
3.3 Continuous-path mode
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Rounding with maximum possible axial dynamic response (G644)
Maximizing the dynamic response of the axes is key to this type of continuous-path mode with rounding.
Continuous-path mode with rounding with the maximum possible axial dynamic response can be activated in any
NC part program block by the modal command
Selecting the exact stop which works on a block-by-block basis enables rounding to be interrupted (G9).
Continuous-path mode with rounding with the maximum possible axial dynamic response (G644) can be
deactivated by selecting:
• Modal exact stop (G60)
• Continuous-path mode G64, G641, G642, G643 or G645
Rounding with G644 is only possible if:
• all the axes involved contain only a linear motion in both the observed blocks.
• no kinematic transformation is active
In case an involved axis contains a polynomial (polynomial programmed, spline active,
compressor active) or a kinematic transformation is active, the block transition is rounded
with G642.