K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response
9.8 Block search Type 5 SERUPRO
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
3. Numerous operator actions are permitted during this phase:
- Start, Stop
- Axis replacement
- Deletion of distance-to-go
- Mode change, ASUBs, etc.
The program and channel statuses of interface signal:
DB21, ... DBB35
or system variable:
is supplied analogous to real operation.
4. The part program command
will wait for the partner channels involved.
This waiting occurs if the partner channels are:
- In SERUPRO mode
- In Program test more or are actually running
5. Selection of program test and dry run feedrate is rejected with corresponding Alarm 16935.
6. The NC stops at the beginning of the target block, deselects "Program test" internally, and displays the Stop
condition "Search target found" in its block display.
7. As required, the user can start an ASUB that is traversed really. This ASUB is referred to below as the
8. The user presses Start:
The spindles are started. Then, the path axes start a REPOS operation that guides them to the block starting
point of the target block.
The REPOS operation is implemented by a system ASUB and can be expanded using the "Editable ASUB"
SERUPRO operation
The sequence of operations in items 2. to 6. corresponds to one SERUPRO operation.
An ASUB that can be called optionally when the target block is reached. It is actually executed.
SERUPRO approach
Approach to the starting point of the target block during a block search in SERUPRO test mode.