P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.13 Block descriptions
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Machine function INC
The HT8 signals of the machine functions INC are transferred differently depending upon the active coordinate
system MCS or WCS:
• Active coordinate system: MCS
The selected machine function INC is transferred for all 6 axes in the axis-specific interfaces in
DB31, ... .DBX5.0 to DBX5.5 (machine function) of the axes programmed in the table in DB10.DBB8 to
DBB13 (machine axis numbers) .
• Active coordinate system: WCS
For the axes 1 to 3 the signals of the machine function INC are transferred in the channel-specific. Interface in
DB21, ... .DBX13.0 to DBX13.5 (machine function) of the programmed channel (Parameter: "ChanNo").
For the axes 4 to 6 the signals of the machine function INC are transferred in the channel-specific. interfaces
in DB31, ... .DBX5.0 to DBX5.5 (machine function) of the axes programmed in the table in DB10.DBB11 to
DBB13 (machine axis numbers).
The selection signals of the INC machine functions are transferred in the mode group-specific interface
DB11 DBB 2 + (n * 20), Bit 0 to Bit 5 (with n = 0, 1, 2, ...). The FC 26 informs the NCK about the activation of the
mode group-interface for the INC machine function once after the power-up with DB10.DBX57.0 (INC inputs
active in the mode group area).
Handwheel selection
The hand-wheel selection signals are evaluated by HMI and transferred to the corresponding NC/PLC interface
signals of the machine or geometric axes:
• Geometry axes: DB21, ... DBB 12 + (n * 4), Bit 0 to Bit 2 (with n = 0, 1, 2)
• Machine axes: DB31, ... .DBX4.0 to DBX4.2
Requirement: FB 1-Parameter: "HWheelMMC" = TRUE
Multiple call in one PLC cycle
Multiple calls of FC 26 are permitted in a single PLC cycle. Upon the first call in the PLC cycle:
• all actions of the parameterized blocks are executed
• the LED signals are written in the output area
• in case of selected WCS, the traversing key signals of the geometric axes are written
• the signals for the selection and deselection of the individual block are processed
Upon further calls of the FC 26 only a reduced processing of the channel and mode group-interface is done.
Processing of two MCP
If the function FC 26 is called twice for two MCP in the cyclic sequence of the PLC program (organization block
OB 1), the call for the second MCP must be made after the call for the first MCP.
If an axis can be traversed from two MCP, then the implementation of a mutual interlocking is
the responsibility of the user (machine manufacturer).