74 S&C Instruction Sheet 1043-550
Event Description
New coach generated on
team (512)
This event occurs when the coach
does not arrive within a predeter-
mined timeout. This causes the team
member to generate a new coach and
attempt to restore team synchroniza-
Team Comm Error (513)
This event occurs when any team
related message is not successfully
transmitted via DNP.
Unexpected state change (514)
This event occurs if in the course of
team transfer an unexpected sequence
of steps is taken.
Rebuilding coach (515)
This event occurs if the coach is lost
during operation of the system. The
team circulates a special coach to
restore synchronization. This coun-
ter increments whenever the special
coach arrives at a member.
Err. put coach task list (516)
This event occurs when a list of
pending tasks that the coach carries
between team members is full. No
more tasks can be put on this list until
one or more of the existing tasks have
been completed.
Err. put event task list (517)
This event occurs when a list of
pending team-related events is full.
No more events can be put on this
list until one or more of the existing
events have been completed.
Err. put member task list (518)
This event occurs when a list of pend-
ing member-process tasks is full. No
more tasks can be put on this list until
one or more of the existing tasks have
been completed.
Err. put comm task on list (519)
This event occurs when the coach or
the team member needs to send a new
message to another team member
and the DNP communications buffer
is full. Existing transactions must be
completed before more are put on the
communications list.
Seq num resync (520)
This event occurs when the sequence
numbers of events have fallen out of
Data Logging