70 S&C Instruction Sheet 1043-550
Status Point Description
Frequency Trip (339)
Active when the Interface Module has
detected that the host tripped open due to
a frequency anomaly on the circuit. The
Interface Module forces a Stop Transfer
condition, preventing IntelliTEAM II from
attempting to operate the relay/recloser
Ground Trip Mismatch (340) UIM
Active when the Interface Module has
detected that the state of the host’s Ground
Trip feature is no longer in the expected
state. The Interface Module assumes this
change of state is due to human interven-
tion and will force a Stop Transfer con-
dition, preventing IntelliTEAM II from
attempting to operate the relay/recloser
Hot Line Tag (337)
Active when the UIM has detected that the
hot line tag feature of the external device
is active.
LOV Sect. Enabled (349)
Active when teams are ready and
IntelliTEAM instructs the UIM to enable
extended loss of voltage operation (if the
UIM is programmed for this operation). Set
to inactive when teams go out of ready and
IntelliTEAM disables the feature.
Over Current (344)
Active when the external device reports
that an overcurrent condition has been
detected on one or more phases.
Profile Mismatch (342)
Active when the normal profile is sup-
ported , the reported status doesn’t match,
and the 30 second timer started to see if
IntelliTEAM is trying to change the profile
has expired.
Protection Config. Error
Active when the UIM is programmed to con-
trol the profile in the external device, the
UIM is programmed to block and unblock
reclosing, or the UIM is programmed to
initiate extended loss of voltage trips in the
external device; and status points, control
points or analog inputs have not been pro-
grammed to support these features.
Data Logging