58 S&C Instruction Sheet 1043-550
Event Description
Log Level
Monitor line segment (Team)
The specified team has an indication to start a transfer event,
but the line segment is still energized. The team monitors the
segment until it is deenergized.
Next action (Action, Direction)
The operation of the switch gear is progressing to the next
action within the action path. (Action 1) indicates the action
to be taken and can be one of the following codes: 3 Close
for xfer, 20 Contract request, 21 Contract Terminate, 30
Block recloser, 31 Unblock recloser, 33 Block ground trip, 34
Unblock ground trip, 36 Alternate settings, 37 Normal, 253
Action path done. (Direction 2) is the direction the action path
is going, either Forward (1) or Reverse (2).
Not rdy, discard task (Team, Task)
The indicated task has been discarded because the specified
team was not ready to transfer. This is typically the result of a
local or team error condition.
Old or dup task discarded (Team)
The task taken from the event list on the specified team is
either old or is a duplicate of an existing task. This occurs
normally in the operation of the team as events are distributed
throughout the team.
Pending comm message cleared
The coach has determined that a pending message is no longer
valid, and should be removed from the communications
transmit list.
Task travel (from Team, Team)
During a Return to Normal process, tasks associated with
the process travel among multiple teams between the normal
source and the normal tie point of the circuit. This message
traces the path of the tasks.
Volt/fault idle xfer state (Sw)
This message is output when all teams that the UIM is a
member of have their transfer stated back to idle, signaling a
reset of the total 3 phase average load.
Volt/fault OC cleared (Team, Rec)
This message is output when an overcurrent fault was
previously detected, the field now is not faulted and 3 phase
voltage has returned, causing the coach to clear the latched
overcurrent condition. For details on (Rec 2) contact S&C.
Volt/fault PL cleared (Team, Rec)
This message is output when a phase loss was previously
detected, the external device is now in its normal open or close
state, real time 3 phase voltage is present, causing the coach to
clear the latched phase loss condition. For details on (Rec 2)
contact S&C.
Data Logging