20 S&C Instruction Sheet 1043-550
Line Segment Status
This is the fault and voltage loss status of the line segment protected by this team of con-
trols. If no fault or voltage loss is detected, this field reads “
.” The field can include
a combination of possible values:
Segment Dead (Dd)
The line segment is deenergized.
Segment Open (Op)
All team switches are in the open position in preparation for
a circuit reconfiguration.
Overcurrent (OC)
An overcurrent fault has been detected on the line segment
protected by this team of controls.
Voltage Loss (VL)
A voltage loss event has been detected on this line segment
before this transfer event occurred.
Team Error (Er)
An error has been detected within the team, affecting the
accuracy of the “Line Segment Status.”
Alt Source (AS)
The line segment is being fed by an alternate source, either
directly from an adjacent line segment, or indirectly from
another location.
Local Real-Time Load
This is the
2-minute averaged
measured 3-phase load (in amps) on the line segment pro-
tected by this team. This averaged load does not include the load measured beyond any
of the switches serving load outside of the local line segment.
Real Capacity
This is the loading capacity available on the line segment protected by this team. This value
takes into account the real capacity of any source-side teams, the maximum capacity of
the team’s present source switch, and any load that has already been transferred during
team circuit reconfiguration.
Team Problems