Pakscan IIE System Manual
70 of 132
Publication S177E V2.0 Issue 03/05
Press LOAD after entering
a new value to complete
the action and update the
Field Unit Status Secondary Data
1>Block= 5 FCUTAG01
Tag name
2>Para = 2 1
FCU address
3>Data = 16
Motion Inhibit Timer
This page allows the user to read and change parameters in a field unit. Data in field units is
organised into 32 blocks each of 8 parameters, the parameters within each block being related to each
other, e.g. block 5 contains parameters which are connected with the position control mechanism of
an actuator.
Parameters are selected by setting the appropriate block and parameter numbers. The parameter
name and its current value are then displayed. Values are displayed and entered as decimal numbers.
On entry of a parameter number the master station will send a message to the field unit to read the
required data, which will then be displayed.
On entry of new parameter data in a valid parameter, the master station will write that data to the field
unit. The master station does not check whether the data is valid, only that the parameter may be
written to. After writing, the master station will read back the parameter. Writes to Block 1, and to
Parameter 0 of any Block, are not permitted from the master station.
Refer to S171E: Pakscan Master Station Modbus Interface Specification for Communication via
RS232 or RS485 for field unit data allocation information and details of the meaning of each
Commands available:
Go to next field unit
Go to previous field unit
Enter block number,
numbers between 0 and 14 are valid
Enter parameter number,
numbers between 0 and 7 are valid
Enter new parameter data (in decimal)
Return to previous menu