Interface and Menus
47 of 132
Publication S177E V2.0 Issue 12/04
FCU Map and Failure Counts
Physical position
Loop Position = 72
FCU Address = 17
Attached port
Port=A Fails = 5
Comms fail count
Field unit type
Type=Act S/W = 2.07
Software version
The screen displays information about field units found on the loop during loop configuration.
The top line shows the physical position on the loop, the second line the address of the field unit found
at that position, and the third line the master station port it is attached to. For a complete loop with no
loopbacks, all the field units are attached to port A.
The third line also shows a count of communication errors with the field unit whose address is
displayed above. The count has a range of 0 to 255, after which it rolls around to zero. The counter
increments for every communication error though the system will only announce a ‘Comms failure’
when 3 successive tries have failed to locate the field unit. This counter therefore reflects the
communications condition and can be used as an indicator of the health of the field unit to asses the
probability of failure in the future.
The bottom line shows the type of field unit and the software version of the EPROM. "Type" can be
displayed as:
- Non - IQ Actuator
- IQ or IQT Actuator
- General Purpose Field Unit
- IQ or IQT Analogue
- Flowpak actuator
Information for this screen is available approximately 30 seconds after loop configuration is complete
and is updated approximately once a minute after that.
The example screen above shows that at loop position 72 there is field unit address 17, and it is
attached to port A, that it is an actuator field unit with software version 2.07 and that 5 communications
failures have been recorded for it since the system was last reset.
Commands available:
Move to the next field unit
Move back to previous field unit
Return to previous menu