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Publication S177E V2.0 Issue 03/05
This document describes the procedures for setting up commissioning and running a Pakscan IIE
system. If the unit is to be stored for a period of time prior to its use, then please refer to section 3 for
information about storage of electronic equipment.
The Pakscan IIE master station hardware is a stand-alone unit requiring only the connection of power
and suitable field units to operate. This manual describes the Pakscan IIE master station only. Please
refer to the documentation relating to the field units for information on that part of the system.
The Pakscan IIE system is compatible with all Pakscan II and IIE field units and setting tools. The
Pakscan IIE is equipped with either serial communication ports, or Ethernet ports, or both through
which the master station can be controlled and operated from another device. The communication
protocol supported by these ports is Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP and details of the function codes
and data base organisation established within the master station are contained in the associated
protocol documents.
1.1 Related
There are a number of documents for the Pakscan system that relate to the Pakscan IIE master
station these include:
Field Test Unit Technical Manual (Paktester)
Master Station Test Unit Technical Manual (Pakreader)
Pakscan IIE RS485 Converter Technical Manual
Serial Communications
Pakscan Modbus Interface Specification