Description of Function Codes PE6000 User Manual
DO state visual display
Display Range
It displays the DO state visually and the display format is shown in the following figure.
This is the display format of the DO state
DI function state visual display 1
Display Range
It displays whether the DI functions 1-40 are valid. The operation panel has five 7-segment
LEDs and each 7-segment LED displays the selection of eight functions. The 7-segment LED is
defined in the following figure.
This is definition of 7-segment LED
The 7-segment LED display functions 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32 and 33-40 respectively from right
to left.
DI function state visual display 2
Display Range
It displays whether the DI functions 41–59 are valid. The display format is similar to U0-43.
The 7-segment LEDs display functions 41–48, 49–56 and 57–59, respectively from right to left.
Current set frequency
Display Range
Current running frequency
Display Range