L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
What’s New in L-DALI
2.1 New in L-DALI 5.2
LINX Configurator replaces LDALI Configurator
The L-DALI models are now supported by the LINX Configurator PC software. The
LDALI Configurator software therefore is no longer available.
LINX Configurator support for LDALI-20X models
The LINX Configurator now supports LDALI-20X models, including DALI offline
configuration workflow and the configuration of alarming, scheduling and trend log objects,
e-mail templates, math objects, data point connections etc. Custom user registers and
BACnet objects can be created and data points belonging to the static L-DALI application
interface can be OPC exposed. Further, the BACnet network can be scanned and client
maps can be created from local BACnet objects to remote BACnet objects.
The L-DALI now supports the LDALI-MS1 multi-sensor, the LDALI-BM1 push-button
coupler and the LDALI-RM1 relay module. These devices are an optimal addition to the
L-DALI controller and allow designing cost effective and flexible DALI lighting systems.
For more information on these devices see the corresponding datasheet and Section 8.4.4.
DALI Button Functions
For DALI button devices supporting configurable button functions these functions can be
configured using the Web-UI (online) and the LINX Configurator (online and offline). The
following functions are available to control DALI groups (see Section and 7.6):
Dim up, dim down,
On with last dimming value,
Scene recall: 1–15,
Dim to a specified value in %,
Color temperature warmer/colder.
On LDALI-10X models the state of a button device input can be forwarded to a network
variable as an alternative to directly control DALI lights (see Section