L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Figure 77: DALI Search Wizard.
Go to the luminaire/device, check whether the light is on or off and answer the question
accordingly. The process is repeated until the device could be identified.
Figure 78: DALI Search Wizard: Device found.
A dialog as shown in Figure 78 is displayed. Then the wizard continues with the next
device in the list of devices to be identified.
Once all DALI devices are identified press the
button complete the assignment
and commission the DALI devices.
For the identification during the search process DALI ballasts are switched on and off, all
other devices (e.g. sensors) are winked. Reset a DALI network
In case of a misconfigured DALI network, the
button can be used to reset the DALI
configuration of all DALI devices in the network including their short address assignment.
Note that if the DALI network is reset, all DALI related configuration data is lost. Manage Devices
The devices listed under
Devices in Database
can be managed by checking the box at the
right of the devices row. Then the desired function must be selected with the drop down box
Action on Selected
. Finally the
button must be pressed to perform the function.
The following management functions are supported: