A-61635 December 2010
Initial synchronization
When a Capture Pro Software Network Edition client initially starts up, it will
synchronize with its RA server. This may take several minutes.
During synchronization:
• Any setups on the server that do not exist on the client will be copied to the
• Any setups on the client that do not exist on the server will be copied to the
• If a duplicate setup exists, the server’s setup will overwrite the client’s setup.
When this operation is successful, periodic updates will maintain the common
setups across workstations and it is not necessary to resynchronize when the
application restarts.
If any errors occur during synchronization, the client will exit and the operation
will be restarted.
Setup updates
Once synchronized, Network Edition clients will periodically poll the RA server
to check for updates.
Each specific setup is
and a database is maintained for each client
indicating every setup and current version. If a new setup or newer version of
an existing setup is detected on the server, it will be automatically be
downloaded to the client.
Data conflicts
Versioning is also used to prevent data conflicts during the creation or update
of a setup. When a user creates or changes a setup the following occurs:
1. The user opens a Setup dialog box.
2. The system checks to be sure no one is currently changing setups. Since
some files are shared between setup types, only one workstation at a time
is allowed to perform updates. If any setups are open, the user will be
prompted to try again later.
NOTE: An override option is available but is not recommended. This will
allow a user to
the lock but it may result in data conflicts.
3. The user saves the new or changed setup.
4. The update service verifies that the workstation has the most recent
version of the setup (if it previously existed).
If the service detects that the server has a more recent version, a Data
Conflict error will be returned to the application. Although this is rare, if this
does happen, it is a result of a user
the setup or some other
background update that occurred as a side effect of some other
processing. The user can:
select another name for the setup or discard their changes, or
exit the Setup window, wait for the conflict to be resolved and reattempt
the change following an update cycle.