Hardware Reference
Rev 02; February 8, 2002
The PCVisionplus frame grabber captures images from analog monochrome cameras at frequencies up to 53 MHz.
The PCVisionplus provides interface to a host computer through the PCI-bus.
Chapter 1, “Overview” introduces the PCVisionplus and provides operating specifications.
Chapter 2, “Theory of Operation” describes the operation of the PCVisionplus.
Chapter 3, “Registers” provides detailed descriptions of every register and bit that controls the PCVisionplus.
Chapter 4, “DAC and PLL Programming” provides detailed descriptions of the serial interfaces and program-
ming examples for PLL and XTAL modes.
Appendix A, “Connectors and Cables” gives the pin-out of the connectors, and illustrates some of the cables cur-
rently available for the PCVisionplus.
Appendix B, “Using Opto-Isolators” gives some examples of using the opto-isolated trigger input, and connect-
ing an opto-isolator to the PCVisionplus outputs.
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