Hardware Reference
Rev 02; February 8, 2002
conventions, iv
FCNT, frame count, 3–65
timer register, TIMERCNT, 3–57
counter source, CNTENSRC, clamping counter enable, 3–55
half lines, FLDSHFT, 3–47
HOFF, horizontal offset, 3–34
vertical offset, VOFF, 3–35
cropping, half lines, field shift, 2–33
CSC option, BLDSTAT, build status, 3–24
programming, 4–1
registers, 4–1
serial data, DACSDATA, 3–56
sync stripper line rate, 4–3
DACCS, DAC chip select, 3–45
DACPROG, DAC programming register, 3–56
DACSDATA, DAC serial data, 3–56
INMODE, input data format, 3–67
serial PLL, PLLSDATA, 3–56
data strobe, parallel output, OUTSTB, 3–58
DC restoration, 2–16
decimate, 2–8
frame reset offset, FROFF, 3–42
strobe, STRBDLY, 3–41
destination, BMDST, bus master destination address status, 3–18
input termination, 2–15
set up and hold, 1–3, 1–4
DID, device ID register, 3–6
DIFFSTAT0, differential trigger 0 input status, 3–37
DIFFSTAT1, differential trigger 1 input status, 3–37
DMA Table, segment size register, SGSZ, 3–74
DMA table
(scatter gather table), 2–8
specification, 1–5
DMASTART, DMA start address, 3–71
done, bus master transfer, BMDONE, 3–22
DPARE, detected parity error, 3–10
DPDATA, scatter gather data register, 3–81
DTPAR, data parity reported, 3–9
EDON, E–Donpisha mode enable, 3–30
BMSHIFT, bus master data shift enable, 3–68
clipping, CLIPEN, 3–70
E–Donpisha mode, EDONP, 3–30
frame reset mode, FRSTMD, 3–41
I/O space access, IOEN, 3–7
interrupt, PIOIEN, I/O port interrupt enable, 3–52
memory space access, MEMEN, 3–7
padding, PADEN, 3–70
parity error, PAREN, 3–8
phase frequency detector gain, PDEN, 4–9
programmable clamp, CLMPSRC, 3–54
skip field mode, SKPFLDMD, 3–40
strobe output, STRBEN, 3–41
system error, SEREN, 3–8
transfer done interrupt, BINTEN, 3–20
trigger, TRIGEN, 3–39
VBEVENINTEN, vertical blank even field interrupt enable, 3–52
VBLANKINTEN, vertical blank interrupt enable, 3–52
VBODDINTEN, vertical blank odd field interrupt enable, 3–52
vertical sync output, VSYNCEN, 3–47
WEN mode, WENMD, 3–40
BPEND, back porch clamp position, 3–55
vertical gate, VGEND, 3–32
end of frame, interrupt enable, EOFINTEN, 3–78
EOFINTEN, end of frame interrupt enable, 3–78
EOFINTSTAT, end of frame interrupt status, 3–76
EOTIEN, end of trigger interrupt enable, 3–51
EOTINT, end of trigger interrupt status, 3–49
parity error enable, PAREN, 3–8
system error enable, SEREN, 3–8
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