File Services
Titan SiliconServer
Transferring files with FTP
This section explains how to set up File Transfer Protocol (FTP) so that users with FTP clients
can access files and directories on Titan. As part of the setup process,
mount points
must be
created on the File Systems to which to allow FTP access. Then, the login details of FTP users
must be specified to associate them with the mount points.
The Titan SiliconServer and FTP
The Titan SiliconServer implements the file-serving functions of an FTP server. Titan provides
the file-serving functions required for:
Mount point manipulation
File manipulation
Directory manipulation
File access control, i.e. permissions
Prior to allowing FTP access to the system, FTP
service must be enabled
. No license key is
required for this protocol.
FTP Statistics
are available to monitor FTP activity since Titan was last started or its statistics were
reset. The statistics are updated every ten seconds.
Configuring FTP Preferences
As part of the process of setting up FTP, choose a service for authenticating the passwords of the
FTP users. Also, a timeout must be set with which to end FTP sessions that have been inactive.