Configuring the Titan SiliconServer
System Administration Manual
To configure server access
From the Home page, click
SiliconServer Admin
. Then, click one of the items in the
Management Access
section, i.e.
, or
For each facility used to manage the system, do one or more of the following:
If the system has been setup to work with a
name server
, the name of the host can be used as
well as the IP address. When all fields have been completed, click
Enabled checkbox
To enable or disable the facility, select or clear the Enabled checkbox.
Port number
To change the default port number that the system uses for the facility, type
the new number in the field.
Maximum number
of connections
To specify the maximum number of users who can simultaneously access the
facility, type the new number in the field.
Restrict Access to
Allowed Hosts
To specify which users can use the facility, select the checkbox. Then type
the IP address of a chosen user in the Allowed Host field and click Add.
To delete a host, select it from the list and click Delete.