File Services
Titan SiliconServer
Titan will ignore the other fields from the passwd file, such as the encrypted password
and the user’s home directory. Users or Groups configured by importing from the /etc/
passwd file will appear as ‘permanent’ in the NFS Users or Groups list.
You can import the numerical ID to Name mappings directly from a NIS server if one has
been configured. Every time a UID is presented to Titan it will issue an NIS request to an
NIS server to verify the mapping. This mapping can remain cached in the server for a
configurable time. A cached ID to name binding for a User or Group will appear as
‘Transient’ in the NFS Users or Groups list.
If Titan is configured to use the
Network Information Service
(NIS) no special configuration steps
are needed; Titan automatically retrieves the user (group) names and IDs from the NIS server.
To specify the NFS user names manually
Each UNIX user name and numerical UID can be manually entered, along with its
corresponding Windows user and domain name. Users configured manually will appear as
‘permanent’ in the NFS users list.