SRV-63 series AC servo drives Commissoning
When the gain of the speed loop is increased, the speed integration time constant (P2.01, P2.06)
should be increased at the same time. Similarly, when the gain of the speed loop is decreased, the
speed integration time constant should be decreased at the same time.
4) Adjustment of the ACC/DEC time
If the speed varies violently during starting, it may cause large impulse or even overcurrent. At this
time we adjust the ACC time (P0.54) to smoothen the speed rise. Similarly, we can adjust the DEC
time (P0.55) to smoothen the speed fall during stopping.
5) S curve ACC/DEC adjustment
If the requirement for smooth variation of speed cannot be met by adjusting the ACC/DEC time, we
can adjust the S curve ACC/DEC time (P0.56, P0.57) to make it change more smoothly.
6) Adjustment of the speed smoothing filter
In the case where the analog speed command is inputted, we can adjust the analog speed command
filter (P3.21) to make the speed change smoothly.
7) Adjustment of torque feed-forward
If the speed follow-up performance is still poor after above parameter adjustment, we can adjust the
torque feed-forward gain (P2.12) and torque forward feedback filter time (P2.13) to improve the speed
follow-up performance. It should be noted however that too large torque feed-forward gain may affect
the stability of the system.
8) Adjustment of speed filter
The performance of the speed loop can be improved by adjusting P2.04/P2.09 and P2.03/P2.08.
9) Adjustment of notch filtering
Refer to chapter 7.3.
10) Frequency division of the feedback pulse output
If the feedback pulse of the encoder needs to be outputted, the frequency division output coefficient
(P0.06, P0.07) can be used to change the frequency of the output pulse.
11) Interference control adjustment
If the gain is small, the load changes or there is sudden external interference torque, users can adjust
P2.42 and P2.43 of the disturbance observer to reduce the interference and improve the speed loop
12) Friction compensation adjustment
If the following performance of the motor is bad during the direction changing of forward and reverse
rotation, it can adjust P2.71 and P2.72 to improve the speed loop performance during commutation.
7.2.3 Adjustment of the gain of the torque loop
The torque control block diagram of the SRV-63 series servo drive is shown in the figure below. The
gain parameters that can be adjusted in the torque mode are marked out on the block diagram.