LCD Display
(0F28) Low Suction Pressure
Detection Level
Low Pres Detect
Sets the level below which the suction pressure must fall for the
time set in Q5-10 to trigger a drive response according to Q5-11,
Low Suction Pressure Behavior Select.
Setting this parameter to 0.0 will disable the function.
Q4-10 detection time delay is only applicable
when Q4-11 = 2 or 3. When Q5-01 = 2, Q5-10
detection time delay applies to settings 1, 2, and
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 1200.0
(0F29) Low Suction Pressure
Detection Time
Low Pres Det Tm
Sets the length of time that the water level must fall below the
level set in Q5-09 to trigger drive response. Applicable when
Q5-11 = 2 or 3. When Q5-01 = 2, Q5-10 detection time delay
applies to Q5-11 settings 1, 2, and 3.
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 300.0
Low Suction Pressure
Behavior Select
Low Pressure Sel
0: No Display
1: Alarm Only
2: Fault
3: Restart (Q5-15)
Determines drive response when the suction pressure drops
below the level set in Q5-09 for longer than the time set in
0: No display (digital output only)
1: Alarm only
2: Fault
3: Auto-restart (time set by Q5-15)
Q5-10 detection time delay only applies to
settings 2 and 3 while Q5-01 = 1. When Q5-01 =
2, Q5-10 detection time delay applies to settings
1, 2, and 3.
Default: 1
Range: 0 to 3
(0F2B) High Suction Pressure
Detection Level
Hi Pres Detect
Sets the level above which the suction pressure must rise for the
time set in Q5-13 to trigger a drive response according to Q5-14.
Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables the function.
Q5-13 detection time delay only applies when
Q5-14 = 2 or 3.
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 1200.0
(0F2C) High Suction Pressure
Detection Time
Hi Pres Det Tm
Sets the length of time that the water level must rise above the
level set in Q5-12 to trigger drive response. Applicable when
Q5-14 = 2 or 3.
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 300.0
High Suction Pressure
Behavior Select
Hi Pressure Sel
0: No Display
1: Alarm Only
2: Fault
3: Restart (Q5-15)
Determines drive response when the suction pressure rises
above the level set in Q5-12 for longer than the time set in Q5-13.
0: No display
1: Alarm only
2: Fault
3: Auto-restart (time set by Q5-15)
Q5-13 detection time delay only applies to
settings 2 and 3.
Default: 1
Range: 0 to 3
Suction Pressure Auto-
Restart Time
Suction Restart
Sets the length of time that the drive will wait before attempting
an auto-restart of the Low Suction or High Suction fault.
Parameter is only effective when Q5-11 is set to 3 or Q5-14 is
set to 3 and L5-01 is greater than 0.
Default: 5.0 min
Min.: 0.1
Max.: 6000.0
(0F2F) Suction Control
Proportional Gain
Suction P Gain
Sets the proportional gain for the suction pressure control.
Default: 2.00
Min.: 0.00
Max.: 25.00
(0F30) Suction Control Integral
Suction I Time
Sets the integral time for the suction pressure control.
Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables the suction pressure
control integrator.
Default: 5.0 s
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 360.0
Suction Pressure
Detection Time Unit
0: Minutes (min)
1: Seconds (sec)
Sets the time unit for Q5-10 and Q5-13.
0: Minutes (min)
1: Seconds (sec)
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
Suction Pressure
Analog Input Wire-
Break Detection
SP Wire Break
0: No Display
1: Alarm Only
2: Fault
Sets the behavior when the analog input selected for suction
pressure feedback is programmed to receive a 4 to 20 mA signal
and the signal is lost.
0: Disabled
1: Alarm only
2: Fault (no retry, coast to stop)
Default: 2
Range: 0 to 2
Suction Pressure Speed
SucPres Spd Ctrl
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Selects whether the Suction Pressure Controller has an effect on
output speed.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Default: 1
Range: 0, 1
B.13 Q: PID Controller Parameters
YASKAWA TOEPYAIUPW01A YASKAWA AC Drive - U1000 iQpump Matrix Drive User Manual
Parameter List