Index Name / Setting
Unit Description
HALT (13)
The drive is in the HALT state: activated via CiA
402 profile, input or PROFIBUS
IntermediateStop, SERCOS. Reaction
according to HALT option code (
P 2221[0] -
LIMIT (14)
Output is set when a reference value reaches its
T_GT_TX (15)
Torque greater than
P 741[0]
N_GT_NX (16)
Speed greater than
P 740[0]
Position reference limited (e.g. with
parameterized software limit switches)
Speed reference limited
Torque reference limited
Not defined
ENMO (21)
Motor contactor output (if the motor is wired
through a contactor)
PLC (22)
PLC sets output
WARN (23)
Warning (Collective warning message)
WUV (24)
Warning: undervoltage in DC link
WOV (25)
Warning: voltage overload in DC link
WIIT (26)
Warning I2t power stage
WOTM (27)
Warning overtemperature motor (only with
KTY84-130, NTC, PT100 and PT1000)
WOTI (28)
Servo Drive heat sink temperature warning
WOTD (29)
Servo Drive internal temperature warning
WLIS (30)
Warning: current threshold reached
WLS (31)
Warning: speed threshold reached
WIT (32)
Warning I2t motor protection
WLTQ (33)
Warning torque/force threshold reached
TBACT (34)
Table positioning in "AUTO" and activated state
TAB0 (35)
Actual table index 2^0
TAB1 (36)
Actual table index 2^1
TAB2 (37)
Actual table index 2^2
TAB3 (38)
Actual table index 2^2
COM_1MS (39)
Set output via field bus in 1 ms cycle
Table 9.8: “Digital outputs” function selectors (continue)
ID No.: CB40859-001 Date: 11/2020
MSD Servo Drive - Device Help
9 Inputs/Outputs settings
Index Name / Setting
Unit Description
COM_NC (40)
Set output via field bus in NC cycle
USER (41)
Firmware-specific function
TBREF (42)
Selected table index executed (target reached)
Digital Oscilloscope Trigger Event
SM_REF (44)
Target reached at synchronized motion
Cam switch track A
Cam switch track B
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
BC_State (54)
Brake chopper active state
SH_S (55)
Safe torque off (STO) active
BC_FAIL (56)
Brake chopper error; triggered with negative
ESYNC (57)
Synchronous function of electronic gearing or
cam active
Logic link of “motor standstill” and "Not Ready to
Switch on" state
PRDY (59)
Ready to switch on
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined