Terminal – Menus [Medium/Comfort Version Electronics]
Pos: 85.234 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/K- O/M/M enü 14-9 „U mschalten zwischen T ermi nals" @ 359\mod_1439218022535_78.docx @ 2663609 @ 3 @ 1
Menu 14-9 “Switching Between the Terminals”
Pos: 85.235 /BA/Info-C enter /CCI-ISOBUS-T ermi nal/CCI-Bi G Pack/H auptmenüs/M enü 14 ISOBU S-Einstellungen/Menü 14- 9 „U mschalten zwischen Ter mi nals“ Einführung @ 382\mod_1444141093894_78.docx @ 2753092 @ @ 1
This menu is only available if several ISOBUS terminals are connected.
When the user switches terminals for the first time, the configuration of the machine is loaded
into the next terminal. Loading may take a few minutes. The configuration is saved in the
memory of the next terminal.
The next time a call is made, the machine is no longer available in the previous terminal.
When restarting, the system attempts to start the last terminal used. If the last terminal used is
no longer available (e.g. because it was removed), the restart is delayed as the system looks for
a new terminal and loads the specific menus to that terminal. Loading may take a few minutes.
Pos: 85.236 /BA/Info-C enter /CCI-ISOBUS-T ermi nal/CCI-Bi G Pack/H auptmenüs/M enü 14 ISOBU S-Einstellungen/Menü 14- 9 „U mschalten zwischen Ter mi nals“ @ 373\mod_1442386104115_78.docx @ 2717326 @ @ 1
Fig. 127
Menu 14 "ISOBUS settings" has been selected, see chapter Terminal – Menus, "Menu 14
'ISOBUS settings'".
• To change to the next terminal, press
Pos: 85.237 /Layout M odul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
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