Pos: 11 /Ü berschriften/Überschriften 1/P-T/Sicher heit @ 0\mod_1195566748646_78.docx @ 635 @ 3 @ 1
Pos: 12 /Ü berschriften/Überschriften 2/U-Z/VVerwendungszweck @ 1\mod_1201707246738_78.docx @ 54055 @ 2 @ 1
Purpose of Use
Pos: 13 /BA/M aschinenbeschrei bung/M aschinenübersicht/Groß packenpressen/Ver wendungszweck Bi G Pack HS Baur eihe @ 93 \mod_1327323688288_78.docx @ 786957 @ @ 1
KRONE Big Pack square balers are machines for collecting and baling cut crops (grass, hay,
leguminous vegetation and straw, etc.) on farms. They are towed behind agricultural tractors of
sufficient power that are also equipped with suitable interfaces for the installation and operation
of the machine (see the introductory chapter "Technical Data" / "General Technical Description).
The crop must be set down in rows on the field to be collected. Then it must only be collected
with the pick-up by driving over the swath.
Pos: 14 /BA/M aschinenbeschrei bung/M aschinenübersicht/Groß packenpressenAufnahme und Pressung nich t genannter Pr essgüter @ 341\mod_1432713531296_78.docx @ 2587516 @ @ 1
WARNING! – Intake and baling of crops not mentioned!
Effect: Damage to the machine
Collecting and baling materials that are not cited here is permitted only in agreement with the
manufacturer. The basic requirements in any case are swathing of the crops and automatic
intake by the pick-up as it passes over them.
Pos: 15.1 /Überschriften/Überschriften 2/A-E/BBesti mmungsgemäßer Gebr auch ( alt) @ 0\mod_1196401545090_78.docx @ 7728 @ 2 @ 1
Intended Use
Pos: 15.2 /BA/Einl eitung/Besti mmungsgemäßer Gebr auch/Grosspackenpresse/Besti mmungsgemäß er Gebrauch Bi G Pack @ 93\mod_1327324692481_78.docx @ 787043 @ @ 1
The Big Pack square baler is built exclusively for customary use in agricultural work (see the
introduction "Intended Use").
The machine must only be used by persons who meet the requirements listed in the chapter on
safety "Personnel Qualifications and Training".
These operating instructions are part of the machine. The machine is designed exclusively for
use in accordance with these operating instructions.
Using the machine for work or applications that are not described in these operating instructions
can lead to severe injuries or death of persons and damage to the machine and other property.
Such work and applications are prohibited.
Pos: 15.3 /BA/Einl eitung/Besti mmungsgemäßer Gebr auch/Nicht besti mmungsgemäß @ 103\mod_1332171672294_78.docx @ 940272 @ @ 1
Unauthorised modifications to the machine may have a negative effect on the machine
characteristics or safe and reliable use of the machine or may interfere with proper operation.
Unauthorised modifications shall therefore release the manufacturer of any liability for
consequential damage.
Pos: 16 /Ü berschriften/Überschriften 2/K-O/NNutzungsdauer der M aschi ne @ 318\mod_1423658430909_78.docx @ 2465744 @ 2 @ 1
Service life of the machine
Pos: 17 /BA/Einl eitung/N utzungsdauer der M aschine_Text @ 318\mod_1423556613022_78.docx @ 2463145 @ @ 1
– The service life of this machine strongly depends on proper use and maintenance as well as
the operating conditions.
– Permanent operational readiness as well as long service life of the machine can be
achieved by observing the instructions and notes of these operating instructions.
– After each season of use, the machine must be checked thoroughly for wear and other
– Damaged and worn parts must be replaced before placing the machine into service again.
– After the machine has been used for five years, carry out full technical inspection of the
machine. According to the results of this inspection, a decision concerning the possibility of
reuse of the machine should be taken.
– Theoretically, the service life of this machine is unlimited as all worn or damaged parts can
be replaced.
Pos: 18 /Layout M odul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
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