SV-MAP-270 Navigation Mapping Software
SkyView Pilot’s User Guide - Revision M
DIST: The distance of the leg. For the active leg, it is the distance from the aircraft to the
next waypoint.
ETE: The estimated time en-route for the leg, based on the current ground speed if
flying, and based on the Vno speed setting if stationary. For the active leg, this is the
estimated time until the aircraft reaches the next waypoint based on its current closure
rate towards it.
------: The last item in the waypoint list is a placeholder for adding another waypoint at
the end of the Flight Plan.
TOTAL REMAINING: This is always displayed at the bottom and is the total distance and
total ETE of the legs of the Flight Plan. If the route is active, only the current and
remaining legs are included in the calculation. If inactive, all legs are included.
Flight Plan Menu Bar
When the Flight Plan window is open with the ACTIVE tab displayed, select one of the following
Menu items to proceed:
Press these to bring up the Nearest or Info windows. The Flight Plan window will be exited.
Press to exit the FPL MENU if open, or press to exit the Flight Plan window.
Press to activate/deactivate the current Flight Plan. The button is highlighted when a Flight
Plan is active.
If a Flight Plan is interrupted by a
, that Flight Plan is reloaded after that
cancelled. To cancel a
and resume a previously active flight plan, press
or Info
from the Map Menu, then STOP
, then FPL, and finally ACTIVATE.
Note that if you add a second waypoint to an active single
waypoint, a new Flight Plan
will be created and the former interrupted flight plan will be forgotten.
Press to bring up the FPL MENU. The FPL MENU provides access to various operations that
can be performed on the Flight Plan and its waypoints. Reference the FPL MENU section
below for more information.
Import Tab
Press the joystick right to select the IMPORT Tab of the Flight Plan window and display it. The
import window contains a list of all GPX formatted files that are present on the USB memory
stick if one is currently inserted: