SV-MAP-270 Navigation Mapping Software
SkyView Pilot’s User Guide - Revision M
considers a target a threat if the device providing traffic reports that it is a threat. The TIS
system considers a target to be a threat if it is calculated to be within 1/4 mile of your aircraft at
its closest approach within 30 seconds (20 seconds if the target is not reporting altitude). Other
traffic devices may have different criteria for reporting traffic as threats. Refer to their
documentation for more information.
If a target is a Traffic Advisory but cannot be displayed on the screen because its location is
beyond the edge of the map at its current zoom level, it will appear at the edge of the Map
Page, half shaded as seen in Figure 73 above (the darkly shaded area of the Traffic Advisory
Symbol will always point towards the edge of the screen). This ensures that you are aware of
the threat regardless of map zoom level. Note that the orange vector arrow may not be visible
when a Traffic Advisory is off the screen.
Proximity Advisory Targets
Figure 74 - Proximity Advisory
Proximity have less of a chance of being a factor based on their position, but are not a Traffic
Advisory because they are not converging with your aircraft within the next 30 seconds. A
Proximity Advisory symbol is shown on the map when it is closer than 5 nm and /- 1200
ft of your altitude, but doesn’t meet the criteria to trigger a Traffic Advisory.
Non-Threat Targets
Figure 75 - Non-Threat
Non-threat Targets are any other detectable aircraft that are neither Traffic Advisory Targets
nor Proximity Advisory Targets.
Traffic Receiver Status
Figure 76 - Traffic Status
A widget in the lower right area of the Map Page annunciates both the device that is currently
providing traffic and the status of the traffic receiver.
Possible devices include:
ADS-B: Any ADS-B source – such as the SV-ADSB-470.
TIS: Traffic provided from an SV-XPNDR-26X, Garmin GTX 330, or any other device that is
configured to output traffic information in the Garmin TIS format.